After that, I'll retire the project and hack around with Zooko's E virtual machine in C++. It's been a long, long time since I wrote anything in C++. I'm prefering Objective-C lately. Apparently MarkM had some reasons for believing that writing a TCB in C++ was impossible if you use some of it's features. If zooko and/or I stay interested, it'd be worth bugging him about those reasons.
Things on my stack:
- Momoko
- "Secure Distributed Programming in an Hour"
- Whisper
- More compiler whizbang.
- A teeny Blogger client for OSX. (xml-rpc)
Word on the street was that Radio 8 supported Blogger (they have some downloadable tool to support it) but damned if I can get Radio to work. I forgot how bizarre it was. What the fuck is a root file, again? Why do I want to see all the verbs a system has?
I had another DSL outage yesterday. PacBell fessed up to having unplugged my port from the DSLAM. whoops!
# — 16 January, 2002