I guess Quintin Tarantino's trying to make his big comeback tonight on ABC's Alias. Looks like vintage high-violence Tarantino. Too bad it's network television...
Also, I started working on a command parser for Momoko tonight. I realized that I've forgotten alot about Metsker's parser framework... I'll have to rectify that.
Lastly, I think I may have solved a few problems regarding my toy virtual machine; make all instructions 16-bit and their arguments 16 bits as well. If the argument needs more memory then a bit is flipped in the opcode field identifing how many more 32-bit fields (opcode+arg) are required.
Of course, I can jibber jabber all I want about special identifers making pcode verification possible but it won't really matter until I code and test it.
Oh yes, Darius recommended what's turning out to be an excellent book (no surprise there): Smalltalk-80: Bits of History, Words of Wisdom, a collection of 19 papers from the implementors of early smalltalk-80 systems.
sasparilla was still root beer back in the old west, wasn't it?
# — 20 January, 2002