Syndication, accessibility, video games, python, mental giants don't always make good bedfellows, death from above, fin.
Thanks go out to Dethe Elza for pointing me to PyOpenGL, and specifically to the kitchen-sink Python OS X distribution including PyOpenGL and PyGame. Man oh man. I wonder if anybody's working on a subspace clone (or just something similar) in PyGame. It doesn't seem like it'd be impossible for a small team or just one talented guy to spit out. Simple planar physics plus a map, explosion, and ship editor. whammo, instant success.
Also, nothing warms my heart more than knowing our hard work helps make the masterful social commentary at girlsarepretty possible. Happy Weblogging Keeps Social Miscreants from Becoming Serial Killers By Providing A Moderately Acceptable (Yet Still Somewhat Disdained by Bosses, Clergymen, and the Elderly) Social Outlet Day!
BTW, I'm mostly recovered from my East Nile virus attack. thanks.
# — 28 September, 2002