$ uname -a
FreeBSD chomsky.sieve.net 5.1-RELEASE FreeBSD 5.1-RELEASE #0: Wed Nov 5 02:55:42 GMT 2003 root@chomsky.sieve.net:/usr/src/sys/KICKASS i386
I do understand that redhat linux isn't really going away, it's being donated to the Fedora Core project along with some redhat employee man hours and servers. Honestly, though, I think that there are already more than enough entries in the 'Yet Another Crappy Amateurish Volunteer Linux Distribution' category. Maybe Fedora Core will be a high quality distribution in the future but FreeBSD is a high quality Unix right now.
What's amazing is that I know a fair amount of people who are paying them 60$/year/machine for access to Redhat Network Update, which I feel is on par with Apple's Software Update. Redhat says that this wasn't profitable. Lots of people are finding their new path to profitability to be too much pain to burden. By alienating these users, those who have introducing Linux to the workplace for years, I think Redhat is making a massive mistake and risks ending up sidelined.
For the record, I've been a paying user of Redhat since 4.2. I've bought almost every release since then. Then again, I also have official cd distributions of FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, Darwin, Slackware, SuSE, and Mandrake. It's too bad that paying for distributions and swag doesn't keep companies afloat.
# — 05 November, 2003