Distributed Systems for a Living
So, you're interested in distributed systems? Where to start? Actually, the job description that Werner Vogels just posted is a great way to see what'll be expected. Learn what every sentence in that job description means. Meditate on it, they are your koans.
But Steve, that stuff is complicated. Throw a brother a bone.
- Read Elements of Distributed Computing
- Read Milner's Communicating and Mobile Systems: the pi-calculus
- Learn Hewitt's Actors Model
- Compare and Contrast Actors and the Join Calculus
- Stop being scared by the term 'calculus'
- Learn an Actors Language. E, IO, Erlang, will all do.
- Read about how other good engineers have built distributed systems
- Build some distributed systems
Update: I just noticed that my name is in the history of the E project. Wow, that's very generous of them.
# — 03 February, 2005