Forwarding Address: OS X

Thursday, June 06, 2002

If you've got a dodgy Office.X serial number and you're thinking about running the Office Update, think again. MSFT's latest updater has a blacklist of Internet-circulated serialz and running it will kill your copy. While I understand why MSFT is doing this, I have to wonder if they understand the potential downside, which ReplayTV recently experienced, namely, if your software has a means of using an updater to shut down itself, some court may some day order you to make use of such a facility take down your legit customers. Also, knowing that this facility exists makes me leery of updating my copy -- I'm on the road in London, and my copy is serialized with a number that I got when I reviewed Office for Wired. If I get shut down, I'm screwed till I get back to San Francisco. (Thanks, Tobias!)