Forwarding Address: OS X

Monday, August 12, 2002

Here's a way to add a pale shadow of Mozilla's excellent search capability to MSIE 5.2 for OS X:
  • quit Explorer
  • download this patch
  • open a Terminal
  • type "cd [whatever directory you downloaded the patch to, leave off the square-brackets]" and hit return
  • type "gunzip Localized.rsrc.patch" and hit return
  • type "cd /Applications/Internet\" and hit return
  • type "sudo patch -b < [download directory]/Localized.rsrc.patch"
  • launch Explorer
  • to search Google, click in the location bar (or type command-L) and type a ?, then your query
Of course, Moz does all of this without having to screw around with patches... Link Discuss (Thanks, Michael!)