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Monday, April 18, 2005

Adobe: Let the backlash begin

Adobe, the company second only to Apple in making the Mac platform what it is today, is acquiring Macromedia for $3.4 billion or so. As someone whose professional life involves Adobe software to a significant degree, I think it sounds OK -- though I'm not convinced that Adobe has figured out this newfangled interweb thing yet. If I were a "Macromedia person," I would feel a bit more uneasy. (As far as death matches go, my money's on Illustrator over Freehand and Dreamweaver over GoLive.) But mostly what comes to mind is: will this acquisition make Adobe powerful enough to be widely hated? It will cement their lock on desktop tools for print publishing, web publishing, and pixel pushing. People like Adobe tools, but they also like choice. When the riots start, remember that you read it here first.


  • I know people don't like to admit it, but besides Apple, Microsoft is probably the company that's made Apple into what it is today.

    They were first on board back in the 70's and 80's Word in the 80's and Office today give Apple a ton more leverage then they'd have without them.

    By Anonymous, at 12:51 PM  

  • Agreed. I'm an Adobe fan, too, but I really don't care much for Illustrator. I much prefer Freehand and I'm afraid I've just lost it.

    By Lee Bennett, at 5:42 PM  

  • John Gruber has now weighed in with his take on the situation. And we're off!

    By pbx, at 7:07 AM  

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