Steve Jenson's blog

site feeds and me! and you! one big happy family.

site feeds and me! and you! one big happy family.

In case you're wondering: I really do read all the links in my sidebar daily. Site Feeds make that possible. Some of the other nice things about using site feeds is that if somebody posts infrequently, I don't feel frustrated since I'm not actively making an effort to find out if they're posted new material. My only complaint is that going from NetNewsWire Lite or the other news reader I use (who's creator I think wants to keep under wraps) is that it's hard to keep my list of rss feeds in sync with my blogroll. It's taken me months to get those links into

Something else I've noticed about my behaviour with newsreaders. I'm unlikely to go to a site to read their content if they only post teasers or short descriptions. I actually find those sites to be really frustrating. Also, I wish NNW Lite supported mod_content.

# — 28 November, 2002