Huh, it's not called Diet Coke in other countries.
Update: Luiz from wrote me to say that Brazilian's consider "Diet" a dirty word associated with illness.
enjoying salad since 1978.
Huh, it's not called Diet Coke in other countries.
the chuck palahniuk audblog! Sometimes, when I'm in my quiet place, I like to think that I would audblog. I probably would in my photoblog if Sprint gave me more than 10 seconds of time.
My new moblog. Not much there yet. Give it time.
I'm the new owner of a Hitachi G1000 PocketPC camera phone. I'm not sure what to say about it, it's like some gross physical salute to life on the cutting edge.
I have so many questions about this.
Cool new Google feature: calculator.
I must say, this is my favorite amazon wishlist so far. I even added a few books to my wishlist.
Speaking of Rendezvous, this month's Linux Journal has the low-down on what's going on with the zeroconf IETF movement for those of us too busy to keep up. Apparently the IETF has jettisoned the idea of using mDNS and DNS-SD, both of which are what Apple has built Rendezvous around and has instead embraced Microsoft's LLMNR, which noone has implemented yet. I find that interesting compared to IETF's old mantra of 'Rough Consensus and Running Code'
Get a Quad Processor Dell running BeOS 5 on ebay. Not a BeBox, but it's interesting that somebody is auctioning this off as a BeOS _server_. I spent weeks trying to get the sshd from ssh-1.2.27 to compile on BeOS 4.5 back in 1999.
Finally, Rendezvous™ for the rest of us. Unfortunately, it's GPL. I would have really preferred an Apache license. Still, this is great.
Find health code violations for your favorite SF restaurants! I think somebody should make a game based on this site. You get more points if you eat at places with more past violations. To start, we're going to go have lunch at Giorgio's. 6 points!