Friday, June 27, 2003
Wednesday, June 25, 2003
Tuesday, June 24, 2003
This and other cool stuff unveiled at WWDC is summarized in this Macintouch report among other places.
Monday, June 23, 2003
PowerMac G5
Wednesday, June 18, 2003
Welcome Mailsmith 2.0!
I still don't see IMAP on the list of features. You do get built-in support for PGP 8 and Apple Address Book though, while very still isn't enough to get me to jump.
Why do I have to have IMAP? I read my mail from at least four different locations and POP just sucks for that. But isn't IMAP just like using POP but leaving the message on the server? No. Server side folders are the main IMAP feature that I can't live without.
Anyway, I'm grabbing the demo now and I'll let you know if they stuck IMAP in as an easter egg.
Update: No sooner had I hit publish than I looked up to see that Daring Fireball had posted a note on the new Mailsmith as well. John mentions that IMAP people tend to throw a hissy fit (I hope I didn't come across that way) when they find out that IMAP still isn't in Mailsmith. He thinks that it's a strange thing to take personally. Me, I think it's a testament to how much people love products (read: BBEdit) from BareBones and want to use Mailsmith, but can't. John even points out, perhaps adding insult to injury, that if you don't use Mailsmith you are missing out on a "crackerjack email client."
While not juicy technical news, it is nice to once again get the "analysts" to see that the iPod is a killer piece of hardware. It's sales are very important to Apple right now. Not only are the most likely contributing to increased system sales, people are still buying tracks from the iTunes Music Service at about a clip of 500k/week. Not bad.
The other main reason AAPL got a boost is that it was bringing iTunes to Windows. Truth be told, it's a freakin' huge market. "Apple is abandoning its long-standing strategy of confining its award-winning software to the Mac platform," said Charles R. Wolf.
Another reason they gave for a bump is the upcoming G5 or PPC 970. If you like down and dirty CPU reviews you need to read Jon "Hannibal" Stokes' articles at ArsTechnica: PPC 970 Part I, Part II. Discuss
Monday, June 16, 2003
Anyone know what I need to do to make this so? Discuss

You can buy logo t-shirts, hats, mugs, bags, and other goodies. We offer them to you `at cost'; we earn no profit on them, so you get the lowest price possible.Check it out and support them - the MacGPG project is pretty damned cool.
Sunday, June 15, 2003
Does anyone know of an IRdA dongle that connects via USB and that has MacOS/X drivers available?
I have some legacy kit that likes to talk infrared. And I've suddenly discovered that none of my newer Macs have IR ports any more, and an hour or two of google searching hasn't thrown anything to light. (Forget Omniremote -- it looks good at first, but it talks a different protocol, one used by remote control handsets, and can't do IRdA.)
Wednesday, June 11, 2003
Written in PHP and Javascript, tasks requires you to be running Apache, PHP and MySQL before you can even begin to jot down the things you'd like to do. That said: it's excellent! Extremely well-written, sporting an elegant UI, fast and responsive (by using DHTML where appropriate), tasks has become, in just two days, my favourite To Do list application. (And the part of me that also likes perl likes tasks a bit because of it's extreme geektastic barrier to entry :-)) If you happen to have the above-mentioned installed and you're looking for a task manager, check out tasks. Discuss
(As an aside: I'm also writing this post via Mozilla Firebird which is working ridiculously well under OS X).
Monday, June 09, 2003
"Security Update 2003-06-09 addresses a potential security issue when the Apple Filing Protocol (AFP) is used to reshare a Network File System (NFS) mount. This update also addresses a situation where LDAP bind authentication requests may be improperly sent when using Kerberos authentication."
No KB article yet. Fire up Software Update if you want it, or use softwareupdate from the command line.
Thursday, June 05, 2003
Wednesday, June 04, 2003
Apple's Bluetooth support is exemplary. And it's worth taking stock. Macs can now send SMS from the Address Book application, and you can initiate and receive calls.A list of all supported devices can be found here. Discuss( The Register - Apple: Your smartphone's best friend )
Tuesday, June 03, 2003
iSync 1.1 Heads-up
If you are like me and generally ignore the "Before you install..." warnings from Apple, let me save you a few moments of grief if you use a Palm device with iSync. Download the new iSync 1.1 Palm conduit.
Yes,'s listed quite clearly in small type at the bottom of the page. I just don't know how I missed it.
Update: The preferences for warning you about changes to data have changed. The default is now to warn you if more than 5% of the data will be changed. You can of course change it to 'any', 'more than 1%', or even 'more than 10%.'